10 Clever T-Shirt Promotion Ideas To Try This Year

10 Clever T-Shirt Promotion Ideas To Try This Year

Promotional giveaways are a shortcut to getting your products into consumer hands (and homes). 81 percent of consumers hold onto promotional products longer than a year, and eight in 10 people give a freebie to someone else, even if they don’t keep it for themselves.

While any freebie can spark interest in your business, T-shirts offer far-reaching benefits. Consumers love wearable products that add functional value to their lives. Choose the right T-shirt, and people will wear it again and again, marketing your brand everywhere they go.

If you want people to love your brand, use a creative promotional strategy to win over new customers and motivate people to tell others about your business.

Check out our smart T-shirt promotion ideas to grab attention and grow your business.

1. Bring shirts when pitching new clients

2. Target inactive customers

3. Host a social media contest

4. Mail products to event attendees

5. Distribute T-shirts at sponsored events

6. Have staff hand out samples

7. Bundle shirts with a popular product

8. Bring promotional shirts to membership organizations

9. Cater to niche audiences or activities

10. Follow-up after a customer service issue

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