10 Clever T-Shirt Promotion Ideas To Try This Year

10 Clever T-Shirt Promotion Ideas To Try This Year

Promotional giveaways are a shortcut to getting your products into consumer hands (and homes). 81 percent of consumers hold onto promotional products longer than a year, and eight in 10 people give a freebie to someone else, even if they don’t keep it for themselves.

While any freebie can spark interest in your business, T-shirts offer far-reaching benefits. Consumers love wearable products that add functional value to their lives. Choose the right T-shirt, and people will wear it again and again, marketing your brand everywhere they go.

If you want people to love your brand, use a creative promotional strategy to win over new customers and motivate people to tell others about your business.

Check out our smart T-shirt promotion ideas to grab attention and grow your business.

1. Bring shirts when pitching new clients

2. Target inactive customers

3. Host a social media contest

4. Mail products to event attendees

5. Distribute T-shirts at sponsored events

6. Have staff hand out samples

7. Bundle shirts with a popular product

8. Bring promotional shirts to membership organizations

9. Cater to niche audiences or activities

10. Follow-up after a customer service issue

for more detail contact us.

Easy Ways to Get JOB

Easy Ways to Get JOB

Without wasting time or having to submit tons of applications on job boards without hearing back.

We’ll look at the Some best ways to find jobs online and offline, and then I’m going to give you a few extra tips to help make your job search easier.

1: Using Your Network to Find a Job

Rule 1: Tell EVERYONE

Rule 2: Always Try to Get Introduced to a Company

2: Apply Directly to Targeted Companies

You should spend a good portion of your time finding companies that fit what you want to be doing in your career, and apply directly via email or via their “Careers” page.

This includes companies that are hiring, but also companies who are not hiring.

Your odds of hearing back from a company that doesn’t appear to be hiring are lower, but you’ll have virtually no competition if they do reply and show interest in your background.

So aim for a mix, maybe 70% companies who are hiring, and 30% companies who don’t appear to be hiring or don’t have a job that fits your background listed on their site.

Reasons Companies Might Interview You Even if a Job Wasn’t Posted

  • They were planning on posting a relevant job soon, and you caught them at the right time (you’d be amazed how much luck goes into a job search. This can absolutely happen)
  • They’re growing fast and want talented people in general. Many growth-stage companies are always looking for ambitious talent, and if you go out of your way to email them even when they don’t have a job posted, you’ll definitely get their attention!

3: “Rapid-Fire” LinkedIn Job Search Method

While method #2 above requires careful research, and selectively picking companies to apply to, this method works by ramping up the number of applications you send out.

This is one of my personal favorites and has been working very well for job seekers for the past two years. It remains one of the best ways to find jobs online, even if you don’t have any network to rely on.

The main goal with this method: Get your resume in front of a lot of companies so you can start having conversations FAST.

And the best place to do that is LinkedIn.

Note: To get more help/support please share your updated resume/CV at contact@trustdiary.com.

Benefits of Investing in Promotional Products

Benefits of Investing in Promotional Products

Research has shown that 90% of people who receive promotional products use the product at least once a week, and 87% keep a promotional product for longer than a year. If you’re still curious as to why you should invest in promotional products, here are some of the benefits:

Strengthen your brand’s image

Win customer loyalty

Affordable and powerful

Build Credibility

Promotional products improve customers’ opinion of your company and they are more likely to buy.

Promotional gifts are kept for a long period of time, this helps with branding.

Promotional product marketing costs less per impression than other advertising.

Large selection of promotional products available at TrustDiary.com


Is Your Web Design Built With the Target Audience in Mind?

Is Your Web Design Built With the Target Audience in Mind?

Here are 10 things to look at to make sure your web design is built with the target audience in mind.

1. Study Your Audience

2. Use Social Proof

3. Network With Other Marketers

4. Make Your Site Readable

5. Add Mobile Friendliness

6. Consider Psychographics

7. Find a Niche

8. Create a Persona

9. Add Relevant Content

10. Add Multi-Channel Capability

And many more ways, for more details free free to contact us…contact@trustdiary.com